On 22 August, Dr. Lang Jinyi, president of the hospital, and Dr. Mario Minola, president of Institute University Hospital Maggiore della Carita of Italy, signed an agreement of cooperation on behalf of both sides.

This is the first time for SCH to developed a strategic cooperative partnership with developed institute of EU. The agreement shows the cooperation will include but not limit on exchanging scholars, medical technology, science research, training and education. We believe the cooperation between both sides will lead us to a new chapter of international communication.

Institute University Hospital Maggiore della Carita located in Novara, Italy, which is the biggest cancer center of Piedmont with 755 beds and over 2500 staff.
Dr. Krengli, director of radiation oncology center, and Dr. Panzarasa, director of neurosurgery department of Institute University Hospital, and leader group of SCH attended the ceremony.