On 23rdMay 2017, Dr. Gareth Goodier, the Executive chair of Melbourne Biomedical Precinct, visited Sichuan Cancer Hospital & Institute (SCH). Ms. Melissa Arduca, the assistant director of Innovation, Industry and International Health from Victoria State Government of Australia, and Mr. Jason Sun, manager of Strategic International Partnerships from Victoria State Government of Australia accompanied this visit.

Dr. Gareth Goodier had a tour of radiation oncology center, thoracic surgery department and ICU department. He highly praised all kinds of facilities and equipment in our hospital.

After the tour, both side had a conversation in the meeting room. Prof. Zhengfang Song, secretary of CCP Sichuan Cancer Hospital Committee & vice president of SCH, showed warmly welcome to Dr. Goodier on behalf of the hospital. Both sides exchanged views on personnel visits, scientific research cooperation, academic exchanges and other aspects, have expressed the willingness to cooperatein various fields by utilizing the advantages of each other in the future.