This week, Mr. Jock Whittlesey, deputy of Environment, Science, Technology & Health Section of U.S. Embassy Beijing had a tour in Sichuan. Mr. Jock Whittlesey visited SCH as known that the achievements of cancer care of SCH from national cancer center of America though the connect of foreign affair office and the health & family plan commission, with Ms. Tisha Loeper-Viti, Economic Officer of U.S. Department of State, Lei Ming, Special services of Environment, Science, Technology & Health Section, and Ms. Lan Yu, Special services of Environment, Science, Technology & Health Section of U.S. Department of State Chengdu.

The group had a tour in SCH from radiation center to the surgery building. Advanced equipments were shown to the visitors , directors of departments gave brief introduction of cancer care in SCH to the visitors.

There was a meeting after the visiting with both sides. Mr. Wenbin Zhang, vice president of SCH, Mr. Xiao Du, vice president, Director Bo Li of Anti-cancer office, Director Shaoping Wan of science& technology division, Liang Qiao from office of Anti-cancer center and Nan Xie from foreign affair office attended the meeting. Mr. Zhang gave a warm welcome to the visiting group, and sent the willing of collaboration to American medical institutes. Mr. Du introduced the plan of future development of SCH. Mr. Jock Whittlesey spoke highly to SCH and hope to make a connection with American medical institutes though the Embassy.