On March 6th, Mr. S. Jim Yeung (MD, PHD)from MD Anderson Cancer center of America has paid a visit to SCH. He gave a presentation of “Oncology Emergency: Perspective from a comprehensive cancer center” to the doctors and had a academic discussion with experts in SCH.

Ms. Jiuhui Wang, director of oncology emergency, hosted the lecture and Mr. Xiaolin Huang, vice president of SCH. gave a welcome speech with over 200 doctors attended.
Dr. Yeung shared the experience of oncology emergency and clinic treatment on different emergency situation from MD Anderson, which led good examples for the treatment in SCH.
After the lecture, Dr. Yeung visited the emergency department and ICU of SCH. Mr. Huang awarded Dr. Yeung as Visiting Professor of SCH on behalf of the president Lang Jinyi.
Mr. S.Jim.Yeung, MD, PHD,R.Ph.,F.A.C.P., tenure of MD Anderson cancer center, Lifetime Honorary member of WHO, Lifetime Honorary member of Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Chief editor ofOncologic Emergencies , Medical Care of Cancer Patients,academic articles published over 100.