Shizuoka Cancer Center in Japan hold the annual acdamic meeting on March. SCH has been invited to this symposium as the only guest from China with cancer hospitals from Russia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Mongolia. This symposium was supported by scholars of SCH under The Sasakawa Japan-China Friendship Fund and Prof. Isami Adachi, director of Palliative Care Department of Shizuoka.

There were 4 special presentations and 5 topics from each visiting country shared in the symposium. In special presentation session, medical insurance and cooperation was discussed in the view of international perspective, national production and local resources from business information center, economic ministry or environment institute.
Data of oncologic epidemiology, system of cancer care and the development of treatment in Vietnam was shared by president TRUONG SON from Cho Ray Hospital. Vice president of the Philippines University gave a presentation of medical insurance in the country. Nazarenko, director of radiation cancer of national cancer hospital in Russia shared the experience of using new technology and advanced radiotherapy in intractable cases. Ms. Sambo, secretary of National Foundation in Mongolia, presented the development of palliative care in recent 10 years while the foundation has a long term collaboration with the cancer center.

Dr. Zhihui Zhang, director of medical oncology department of SCH, gave a presentation of the cancer care in Sichuan including the technology and the challenge doctors faced.
After discussion, the attendants visited the wards of stem cell transplantation and the operation room with robots. The amount of robots operation of colorectal surgery in the center ranked the top of Japan, which is about 400 per year. They also visited the cancer institute which has high automatic technology on medial image. The SYNAPSE Case Match is the first image searching system in the world, which is developed by FUJIFILM and the institute.

The symposium enhanced the communication with Asian hospitals, and promoted the collaboration between cancer centers both in China and Japan.
Shizuoka Cancer Center located in Shizuoka province near the Mount Fuji, which opened on 2002 and occupied 131048 m2 in total. It’s the 2nd of the top 500 hospital in Japan.